• 345 1st Ave, Neepawa, MB

    The Concept of the Tribe

    July 12, 2021
    Posted in Lifestyle
    July 12, 2021 Grit Force Fitness
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    When it comes to making healthy changes in our lives, or trying to build up a new fitness routine, we often strike out on our own. We start with loads of initial motivation that quickly dwindles after we realize those big changes are too much to handle on our own. 

    Enter the concept of the tribe. A tribe shares a set of common beliefs and goals. Members of a tribe have each others’ backs, no matter what. Within a tribe, one finds accountability. One finds support, trust, and solidarity. One finds other people who have already learned what you’re interested in learning, and who have much to teach you. With the support and accountability from a tribe, those big changes now feel possible.

    Starting a fitness journey can be hard. Going at it completely solo can be even harder. When you have a tribe around you supporting you, encouraging you, and believing in you even when the going gets tough, not only do your goals seem that much more achievable, but the process itself becomes way more enjoyable. Sometimes this support system just naturally falls into place as you are already surrounded by people who understand your active lifestyle. Other times, it takes a bit more work to find those with similar interests and journeys, and just vibe with you.

    “It’s been said that you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

    Not only can a fitness tribe inspire you to exercise more often, but it can also inspire you to go harder during each workout session. Working out in a group or working out with a partner motivates people to work out longer and at a greater intensity than if they were training solo.

    How do you know you have found your tribe? 

    • You will probably find yourself laughing and smiling more. 
    • You will show up more consistently. 
    • People will ask where you were if you miss a session. 
    • You will learn more skills. 
    • Build confidence. 
    • Start feeling your mindset shift from “I have to go to the gym” to “I want to go to the gym.” 

    That’s when you know you’ve found your tribe!

    While we’re not out of this pandemic yet, people are ready to return. There is a difference when you are there in person. The buzz of energy in the room. The sounds of controlled mayhem. Your friends push you when you thought you couldn’t go faster or work harder or you thought you couldn’t do another rep. AND then you did. There’s something incredibly special about a group of people that suffer and sweat together.

    “It’s when we push beyond what we thought was possible that we feel stronger.”